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Latest HPV & Cervical cancer screening program

Though over 80 million Americans have had an HPV infection at some point in their lives, it is not a small health issue that you should just wait out. Do not ever compare it with the flu (somebody actually nonchalantly said it's just like the flu), because long-term HPV infection can cause cervical cancer, anal cancer, throat cancer as well as male genital cancer.

If you have watched the reality TV show "undercover billionaire", you know he had throat cancer that was caused by HPV. Not even one of the richest men in the world can escape the curse that HPV brings. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no screening tool for HPV-caused throat cancer, which is why it's so important to have a regular checkup with your GPs to have a look at your throat. HPV honestly scares me.

If you are or have a teen, please have your HPV vaccines. It prevents you from most of the high-risk HPV subtypes as well as the low-risk types that cause genital warts.

(genital warts on male genital organs)

Australia HPV screening program

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